Commuter fumes over 'gross' find on Sydney train

Public transport is often a source of frustration for many commuters each day, with loud music, seat-hogging and overcrowding among the common complaints.

But a disturbing find on a Sydney train recently shocked one passenger who said it's single-handedly the "grossest thing I've ever seen in a train".

The Sydney commuter revealed in a post on Reddit he was travelling on the Blue Mountains line during the day when he saw what appears to be a condom, unwrapped and left on the floor.

The commuter was disgusted by what they found on a Sydney train. Source: Getty/Reddit
The commuter was disgusted by what they found on a Sydney train. Source: Getty/Reddit

Usually, this particular line is "amazing" at that time, and almost always clean, the commuter revealed.

So not only is it uncommon to see left-behind rubbish but spotting a used condom on the public service was beyond their imagination.

"Stay classy, Sydney," the passenger captioned the photo on Reddit which showed what appears to be a stretched-out condom on the floor.

"The grossest thing I've ever seen in a train," they added.

Tiny detail sparks concern for some

Many presumed the condom had been used because it appears to contain an array of bodily fluids inside, they pointed out in the comments.

Not only did they say it looks to have been used for its intended purpose, but there appears to be another, more concerning, bodily fluid inside.

"They should see a doctor," one said.

Another warned that people should "be careful where they sit", particularly now that "behaviours are starting to get back to 'normal'" after the pandemic when such finds were "somewhat rare".

Sydney train seats
People shared some of the grossest things they've seen on trains. Source: Getty

People share most disturbing train finds

As "disgusting" as the discovery was for some, it's rather "tame" according to a train cleaner who teased some of the "worst stuff" they've found on trains.

"The literal sh*t I could show you that people do that I have to clean up has literally made people quit within weeks of doing this job," they revealed in the comments.

"To this day I still have no idea why they don't show pics of the worst stuff when people apply."

A train driver of 13 years also chimed in to say "I have PTSD."

"I cannot unsee what I have seen," they said without context.

"Oh man, even platform staff see worse than that. I've seen used condoms, used sex toys, tampons, filled nappies, clothes drenched in basically all the body fluids, used bandages..... It's an experience," another added.

While another called the poster "privileged" if "that's the grossest thing you ever seen on a train."

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