Gross 'after hours' video taken at Sydney shopping centre

The video may shine a light on an issue the Sydney shopping centre is experiencing.

A disturbing video captured in a food court at a Sydney shopping centre has viewers asking "where's the health inspector?", as a mouse leisurely moves across an eatery countertop.

On Saturday evening shoppers were shocked to spot the rodent freely run around the area where food is prepared and served to the public, with the mouse seemingly unfazed by the bustling shopping mall.

Left: A picture of a map of Sydney indicating the location of the Macquarie shopping centre, and right, a picture of the mouse on the countertop.
A video from the Macquarie shopping centre shows a mouse running along an eatery countertop. Source: Google Maps and Facebook/Humans of Eastwood Daily

The eatery, which has not been identified, did not appear to be open at the time the video was taken, allowing the mouse to spend plenty of time exploring the countertop as many shoppers wandered by oblivious to its presence.

The video was shared to a Facebook community page with the caption: "Macquarie Centre after hours".

Video may reveal bigger issue

The comment section of the video was full of locals sharing that rodent sightings at the Macquarie Centre are not uncommon.

"I met [the mouse] three weeks ago on the ground level," one man shared, before another commented, "I wonder if this is the same mouse I saw".

"That entire centre has a rat problem, and nothing has been done about it," a third claimed.

Rodents pose severe public health risk, expert says

Mice and rats can carry a range of disease agents that easily transmit onto food and food preparation areas, increasing the likelihood of individuals becoming unwell once exposed.

These pathogens are commonly spread through the depositing of faeces or urine, but the mere presence of rodents in food serving areas can be detrimental for public health.

"Rodents can carry a range of pathogens on their fur, from any unhygienic environment; the list of pathogens then may be extensive," Associate Professor Julian Cox of Food Microbiology told Yahoo News Australia.

He continued by sharing that venues are required to do "everything they reasonably can" to prevent the intrusion of pests and it should not be difficult to exclude rodents from "established food premises".

Strategies such as bait stations are usually placed outside the premises to distract pests from entry, and eateries should follow federal regulations to ensure food safety is prioritised.

"Keeping every single pest out, such as a fly or cockroach may verge on the impossible," Associate Professor Cox shared, before adding, "I think we have to have reasonable expectations".

Yahoo News Australia reached out to Macquarie Centre for comment but have not received a response.

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