Dog walker's dodgy poo act caught on CCTV, leaving homeowner furious

Video shows a Sydney dog owner about to pick up after his pet but the owner of the property was shocked by what he does next.

A dog walker in Sydney has been busted appearing to pick up after his pet, with his true intentions captured on a home security camera.

A frustrated homeowner from Kareela, in Sydney's south, shared the video with Yahoo News which shows the man seemingly pretending to clean up his dog's excrement.

The revealing footage shows the dog poo bandit walking in a cul-de-sac in a quiet residential street, his beige-coloured dog attached to a lead in front. Suddenly nature calls, prompting the dog to relieve itself on a homeowner's property, leaving a pile of faeces on the grass.

Dog walker picking up poo in front yard.
The homeowner claims the man pretended to pick up the dog poo, instead leaving it on his front lawn. Source: Supplied

The man appears to look around before reaching into his pocket, pulling out what looks to be a doggie bag, and preparing to pick up the poo. But what happens next shocked the homeowner who told Yahoo "he pretends to pick it up but he does not bag it up".

He appears to struggle to get the bag open. The man bends down and appears to scoop up the droppings, but the bag doesn't even reach the ground. He stands back up and looks around again before walking away, with the dog excrement supposedly left behind.

Hefty fines apply for failing to pick up dog poo

Under the NSW Companion Animals Act (1998) the owner or person in charge of a dog that defecates in a public place must remove the faeces and properly dispose of it. This means bagging it up and putting it in a waste bin immediately.

Failure to remove your animal's faeces can incur an on-the-spot fine, but the amount varies across councils.

It's unclear what the fine amount is in the Sutherland Shire where this offence occurred. Yahoo News contacted the council for confirmation. But the neighbouring Canterbury-Bankstown council enforces a fine of $275, meanwhile, this offence carries a maximum fine of $880 in Sydney's inner-west.

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