'Disgusting': 25kg of dog poo picked up in 1 hour on Queensland beach

Beach goers in Queensland have to watch their step as the state grapples with a dog poo emergency.

Sea Shepherd volunteers are out in force every weekend collecting waste and without fail they’re finding kilos upon kilos of dog waste just left behind.

“Single use plastic, cigarette butts, dirty nappies, it’s all pretty gross stuff to be picking up in the first place but dog poo, it’s one of the worst ones. It’s rancid,” Graeme Lloyd from the organisation's Marine Debris campaign told Yahoo News.

A bucket of dog poo bags collected at a Sunshine Coast beach during a volunteer clean up. Source: Sea Shepherd Sunshine Coast
Volunteers collected 180 used dog waste bags in one hour at a Sunshine Coast beach. Source: Sea Shepherd Sunshine Coast

Around 50 dog poo bags, weighing 7 kilograms, were picked up on Saturday at Mudjimba dog beach on the Sunshine Coast.

But that’s nothing compared to 180 bags of droppings the group previously cleaned up in just one hour at the same location.

Volunteers said the bags weighed a whopping 25 kilograms.

“Pretty disgusting that people are taking the time to bag them up but just hoicking them into the bush,” Mr Lloyd said, adding it happens at all dog beaches.

A volunteer picks up a dog poo bag at a beach in Queensland. Source: Sea Shepherd Sunshine Coast
Dog owners are being urged to clean up after their pets amid fears native animals are eating the plastic bags. Source: Sea Shepherd Sunshine Coast

Poodemic puts native animals at risk

Mr Lloyd issued a desperate plea for dog owners to be responsible, warning their act of laziness could be catastrophic.

“It would nearly be better for the environment if they left it on the ground and let it break down,” he said.

“There’s the risk of native animals potentially eating the plastic bags”.

Sunshine Coast Council's website states that all dog waste must be removed and disposed of properly at beaches and dog parks in the region.

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