Cane toad snack gives Ferret close call

After 29 years as a veterinarian, there is always something new and different that comes in for treatment.

This week we had a most unusual case, a ferret with cane toad poisoning.

His owners had found a toad in his cage with him and the ferret was in a [|very] sorry state.

The poor animal was limp, unable to stand and was dribbling like a tap.

Vet nurse Desanka Mijovic leapt [|straight] into action and washed his mouth out with water, using a sponge to wipe his gums to remove the toad toxin.

He was given valium to stop the spasms we see with toad poisoning, some fluids under the skin and the homeopathic remedies we use for poisoning.

We were unsure how he would go, being such a small creature, so we hospitalised him and kept him warm and quiet for the day.

It must have been his lucky day in the end, as he recovered [|really] well and is now off travelling with his [|lovely] owners again.

Our reptiles and creatures are still dying from cane toads.

Save our wildlife, please keep toad busting.

If you have found injured wildlife, call 91691229.
