Sydney student 'couldn't sleep' after lotto birthday surprise

A Sydney student has received the ultimate birthday surprise after she discovered the lotto ticked she gifted herself was a winner.

The woman, aged in her 20s, realised she was $1 million richer after her boyfriend reminded her to check her Monday & Wednesday Lotto ticket while they were out for her birthday dinner on November 4.

“I only play every now and then, and whenever I do, I just put on a small ticket and then spend my time daydreaming and thinking about how good it would be to win,” she told The Lott.

“I thought about how nice it would be to win on my birthday, so I bought the ticket on Monday and didn’t think much of it.

“[Wednesday night] I was having dinner with my boyfriend, and he was joking that if he won Powerball this week, he’d treat me to the best birthday weekend ever.

“He reminded me I should check my ticket and so I did. I couldn’t believe it when I saw all my numbers matched the winning numbers.”

A woman holds a lotto ticket in front of a rainbow birthday cake.
The woman won $1million in the Monday & Wednesday Lotto on her birthday. Source: The Lott

The woman, from Cabramatta in Sydney’s southwest, held one of three division one winning entries into draw 4023.

The winning numbers were 14, 27, 18, 20, 1 and 36 while the supplementary numbers were 4 and 15.

“I didn’t sleep all last night! I’ve got a headache now, but it’s worth it,” she said on Thursday.

“I’ll remember this day for my entire lifetime.”

Woman plans to spend lottery winnings on property

Despite becoming an instant millionaire, the woman, who wished to remain anonymous, said her birthday celebrations would be low key.

Instead she plans to look at purchasing a house, a dream she thought would not be realised so soon due to the expensive property market.

“We can look for our dream home,” she told The Lott.

“Probably only something small just for us, but it will be amazing to have our own space.”

The latest win comes days after a Queensland woman who won the $2 million Gold Lotto draw on Saturday said she would honour a lifelong pact she made with her sister to share the money.

The woman, who purchased the ticket at Nextra Newsagency Cleveland, southeast of Brisbane, was one of 10 division-one winning entries, all of whom won $2 million each.

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