Postie's 'disrespectful' move with package highlights alarming Aussie problem

The postie was caught red-handed on shocking CCTV footage.

If you've ever felt frustrated at the time it took for your parcel to arrive, or if when it did eventually get delivered, the goods were damaged, you're not alone — far from it in fact.

Fresh data has revealed that, nationally, almost half of all Aussies have reported an issue in some way or another with their mail deliveries in the last year. With Christmas on our doorstep, and upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales just days away, experts have urged people everywhere to be on alert for dodgy behaviour.

Though most posties take their jobs seriously, there are occasionally some who don't. Such is the case with the couriers caught-out in new CCTV footage, that has showed post people all over the country treating fragile mail "very disrespectfully".

A courier kicking a parcel along the ground.
One postman was seen kicking a parcel along the ground with his foot. Source: Nine.

Posties throw, kick and damage Aussie goods

In the vision, obtained by Nine, postmen are seen on camera — without their knowledge of being filmed — kicking parcels along the floor, roughly handling packages, and on a number of separate occasions, hurling deliveries metres across properties.

One Queensland woman, Lucy Jane, said was devastated to find that her brand new garden gnome she had ordered online arrived in pieces. Once she checked her home security footage, she quickly realised why. "He just picked up the package and he just threw the package, I was really surprised at just how disrespectful he had been... I couldn't believe it," Jane told Nine.

"It went from the front yard all the way down to almost the path."

Half of Australians have issues with their deliveries: data

According to insurance gurus Compare The Market, in the last 12 months, 25 per cent of Australians said their online order hadn't arrived on time, 14 per cent said their package or parcel didn't arrive at all and one in 10 said a parcel has been delivered to a different address entirely.

Other couriers and post people disrespectfully handling packages.
Others were seen hurling packages metres over fences. Source: Nine

Many others said say their items were damaged during transit.

"If a package is left at your property and it becomes damaged, this typically isn’t something your contents insurer will cover," Compare the Market’s General Manager of General Insurance Adrian Taylor said.

“Instead, you’ll likely need to raise the issue directly with the company delivering your packages or the retailer where you purchased your items from.

“However, it’s worth pointing out that if you consent to packages being left on your property without tracking or the requirement of a signature, you may struggle to get a refund or your stolen packages back.”

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