Police called after reports of hair sticking out of car boot

Driver Sophie Milne, 26, had to set the record straight to police.

Alarmed local residents were forced to call in the cops after spotting long strands of hair poking out of the back of a car.

Worried that a crime had been committed, police contacted the car owner, Sophie Milne, 26, urging her to explain why her vehicle had been sighted with hair flowing from her boot as she drove around Christchurch in New Zealand.

She was initially confused by the enquiry but quickly joined the dots, explaining it was in fact 'Cher' — a mannequin head she frequently uses while training to become a hairdresser.

Left, the strands of hair showing from the car boot. Right, the mannequin head sits in the backseat of the car.
New Zealand police were called after locals spotted strands of hair coming from a car boot, which ended up being from a mannequin. Source: Stuff

It is believed she had thrown the mannequin into her car but the hair had got caught in the boot's door, leaving the ominous sight visible to people she drove past.

Driver embarrassed people were 'lying awake' in terror

Milne was reportedly embarrassed explaining the misunderstanding to police, while it can be assumed authorities were relieved nothing sinister had occurred.

The driver thought of all her neighbours who may have been disturbed by what they saw, considering many may have been "lying awake at night wondering if someone has a body in their boot

"There are probably people all around Christchurch that have seen it," she told Stuff.

She believes she last used her boot a week earlier, meaning the hair had been poking out from the boot for several days before she was notified of the reported concerns.

Local who flagged hair to police apologetic over misunderstanding

One of the locals who spotted the hair from Milne's boot said she had tried to flag the oblivious driver down, but she turned off the road without realising the local was trying to get her attention.

"We called the hotline and the operator said they would put a call out to the local police to keep an eye out for your car. I’m so sorry to cause you embarrassment, but holy hell I’m relieved," she admitted.

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