Schoolboy forced to shave Aussie hairstyle deemed 'too extreme'

Toby Quinn, 15, was singled out at his school in England for his beloved mullet.

A British schoolboy was forced to get rid of his "Aussie hairstyle" after teachers ordered him to chop off his beloved mullet. The school deemed the style "inappropriate" and "unprofessional".

It reportedly took Toby Quinn, 15, over a year and a half to grow his mullet but he was recently kept in isolation away from friends and peers for an entire day at St Aidan's Catholic Academy after his "too extreme" hairstyle didn't adhere to new changes in the school's hair policy.

Left, Toby wearing his school uniform with his mullet hairstyle. Middle, Toby in the barbershop mid-shave. Right, Toby with his short hair cut.
Toby Quinn was told he had to shave off his mullet after it was deemed 'inappropriate' by his school. Source: MyLondon, Sunderland Echo & Facebook

Toby — who lives in Sunderland in northwest England — was given a week to get rid of his locks, with the deadline later extended after he notified the school he had plans to raise money for charity.

Despite a few Aussie schools beginning to enforce a crackdown on the hairstyle, this is the first known British school to take a stance on the hairstyle.

'He was the only boy with a mullet and they didn’t like it'

Tony's mum Naomi Jenkins believes her son was singled out due to his hairstyle and called out the school's hypocrisy after he was previously isolated for having a haircut deemed too short.

"I don’t know why a 15-year-old needs to be considered professional. The general gist was that it was considered extreme," she said, MyLondon reports. "They didn’t allow skin fades. Strangely they relaxed that haircut rule and they were allowed to have skin fades. He was the only boy with a mullet in school and they didn’t like it."

The 15-year-old was apparently devastated when he was told to get rid of his mullet, but his mum had the idea of putting a "positive spin" on the situation and suggested raising money for a charity close to the schoolboy's heart to make the chop a little more bearable.

Left to right, grandfather John Scollen, Toby Quinn holding the remnants of his mullet and his mum Naomi Jenkins.
Schoolboy Toby holds the remains of his beloved mullet beside his grandfather John Scollen and mum Naomi Jenkins. Source: Sunderland Echo

“I think that’s taken the sting out of it, because he was miserable when he was first told he had to get it done," his mum told local media.

Schoolboy raised over $1,000 for charity

Toby ended up raising over $1,000 for the chop and the funds raised were given to a cardiac unit at his local hospital where his grandfather spent almost two months being treated. The schoolboy believes the care his relative received there "saved his life", according to the fundraising page.

Grandfather John and Toby both sport mullets at a formal event.
Toby gifted the fundraising money to the cardiac unit at his local hospital where medical staff cared for his sick grandfather. Source:

The 'mullet shave' exceeded his initial fundraising goal by almost 300 per cent, providing a silver lining for Toby, yet he has hopes of one day sporting the Aussie style again.

When asked when he would grow his mullet back, Toby replied — "As soon as I’ve finished school.”

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