Pesky pigeons spotted feasting in animal aisle of Woolworths

While some people admit to snacking while they shop, this particular incident at a Sydney store takes it to a whole new level.

The birds pictured eating from bags of seed on a Woolworths shelf in Sydney.
The two partners in crime appeared to enjoy their snack, then waddle off as if nothing happened. Source: TikTok

Footage of two peckish pigeons feasting on bird food in the aisle of a Woolworths supermarket has left people everywhere quacking-up, with astonished Aussies joking the video proves "the cost of living crisis is hitting everyone hard".

Apparently trying the snacks before they buy — or in their case, fly — a mischievous pigeon and his wingman were caught in the act at Woolworths Westfield Warringah Mall, in Brookvale on Sydney's Northern Beaches earlier this week.

As viewers of the viral footage pointed out, the two "knew exactly what they were doing", tracking down the pet food aisle among thousands of other products in the full-sized supermarket. Perhaps most satisfyingly, the pesky pair even managed to locate the specific type of mix given to wild birds.

A hungry pigeon eating wild bird food on the shelf of a Woolworths supermarket in Sydney.
A hungry pigeon has been spotted feasting on none other than wild bird food at a Woolworths store in Sydney. Source: TikTok

The video attracted thousands of responses online, with people amused over "how smart" the pair were to sniff out the goods. "Cost of living be turning pigeons to the life of crime," a person joked. "They look just like regular customers," another said.

"It's funny they found the right food and eat only the best, then just walk off casually," one person commented.

Being a Woolworths store and not a Coles, they were ineligible to use their Flybuys, but nonetheless many pointed out the feather friends appeared to be having an egg-cellent time.

For its part, Woolworths has previously told Yahoo News the supermarket giant "takes food safety very seriously". "We work to uphold the highest standards in hygiene," a spokesperson implored.

It's certainly not the first time supermarkets have attracted unwanted visitors, with a Woolworths store in New Zealand being forced to close earlier this year after footage of multiple rodents in the store went viral.

A photo taken from inside the Countdown store in Dunedin — a subsidiary of Woolworths— showed two large rats sitting on a shelf, looking out at customers. And it's far from an isolated incident for the apparently rat-ridden supermarket chain.

Meanwhile, just last month, Bunnings shoppers shared their concern for the welfare of a barn owl after it was spotted flapping above their heads at a Melbourne hardware store.

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