Resident unleashes over worker's 'ridiculous' late night lawn mowing

Some say that lawn mowing at night is never acceptable, but others completely disagree. What do you think?

A worker mowing the lawn on a median strip on Mona Vale Road on Sydney's Northern Beaches.
A worker mowing the lawn on a median strip in Sydney's Northern Beaches at 10pm has attracted criticism. Source: Facebook

Australians are divided over whether it's ever appropriate to mow the lawn late in the evening, after a furious man unleashed upon spotting a contractor in the act at "10 o'clock on a Tuesday night".

The Sydney man, from the city's Northern Beaches, said he observed another man on a tractor mowing the lawn on a median strip on Mona Vale Road, at the peninsula's northern end, earlier this week.

"So it's OK now to mow the lawns at 10.10 on a Tuesday night?" the shift worker wrote online. "Some of us have to get up at 5am." The post attracted an onslaught of responses, with people unable to decide whether the act was illegal, inconsiderate or just simply frowned upon.

Some argued that mowing the lawn at 10pm is never acceptable, saying that there are enforceable bylaws in place that prevent noise pollution in most council areas around the country. On the Northern Beaches, noise from "power tools and equipment" must not be heard between 10pm and 7am Monday to Friday.


"There are excessive noise limitations set... make a complaint to your local council," a woman wrote in response to the footage.

"Totally illegal! You called the cops right?" another asked. "That's a valid complaint," wrote somebody else.

Others simply suggested the man put in ear plugs and hope for the best. "If it's a one-off, who bloody cares?" a man said.

A worker mowing the lawn on a median strip on Mona Vale Road on Sydney's Northern Beaches.
People were divided over whether the act was illegal, inappropriate or just frowned upon. Source: Facebook

Another person suggested there might've been a reason the mowing was conducted late at night, rather than during the day.

"If you drive along the main roads at night you'll see them mowing at that time," the woman said. "There are parts that make it difficult to do during the day, so they have no choice."

"When they mow near the roads they need to put up barriers along the edge for safety reasons," another echoed. "So they do these places at nights so their barriers don't cause congestion on roads."


The rest of the responses ranged from people branding the act "very inconsiderate" and "ridiculous", to another individual who stated "if you don't like it — move".

When Yahoo News Australia contacted the Northern Beaches Council for comment, we were told that it conducts all mowing within the hours of 7am-5pm. In this instance, they said, the mowing depicted appears to be on a medium strip managed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

Yahoo News Australia has contacted TfNSW with regard to the footage.

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