Mum makes shocking find in wall of new home: 'Scared to death'

The first-time homeowner was horrified to find a group of snakes huddled in her garage.

A mum and her children say they are “afraid” to sleep in their beds or use the bathroom after making a disturbing discovery in the walls of their new home.

After years of working hard and saving her money, an ecstatic Amber Hall purchased her first house and moved in with her two children and two dogs at the end of March.

But it didn’t take long for the family’s dream to turn into a nightmare after one of their pets spotted something in the garage as they started to settle into the four-bedroom property just south of Denver, Colorado.

Mum Amber Hall pictured right and left is the home she purchased in Denver, Colorado.
Amber Hall purchased her first home and moved in with her two children and two dogs at the end of March. Source: Denver7

“I was trying to unpack, and my dog crouched down and he started walking over here really slow,” she told local publication Denver7, pointing to the back wall of her garage, which leads into the backyard. “I came over to see what he was looking at, thinking it was like a spider or something, and there were two little holes right here and I saw snakes slither up the wall. So, I panicked.”

After placing her hand on the outside of the wall, Ms Hall came to the conclusion she had more than just a couple of new tenants due to the warmth emanating from the white plaster. Over the following 10 days, the mum found a snake a day.

The snakes in Ms Hall's wall and a couple collected in a bag.
Ms Hall was unpacking when she spotted two snakes in the wall of her garage. Source: Denver7

Video footage shows the rather large reptiles huddled together in Ms Hall’s wall and slithering into the garage from the backyard. She claims they appear to be “some form of garter snake” — a harmless species native to North and Central America.

“My kids and I are afraid to sleep in our beds, afraid to use the restroom because a snake might come out of the toilet,” she told Denver7. “I’m 42 years old and this is my first home. I’ve worked my whole life for it. And I can’t enjoy it. My kids can’t enjoy it. I’m scared to death.”

The snakes under the home's back deck after the floor was ripped off.
A snake wrangler told the mum he believes there is likely a den somewhere under the house and the reptiles have been living there for at least two years. Source: Denver7

Mum spends almost $1,500 to remove snakes

Ms Hall said she has hired a snake wrangler to help her remove the snakes humanely, costing her over A$1,475. The wrangler has reportedly informed the mum he believes there is likely a den somewhere under the house and the snakes have been living there for at least two years.

“I don’t feel like I’m the first one to find them, but I don’t think that anybody would ever say that they knew they were there,” she claimed. However, the real estate agent who sold Ms Hall her property told the publication they had never heard of a problem regarding snakes and didn’t see any themselves.

Ms Hall said she’s not sure she will ever feel comfortable in her new home and is contemplating ripping apart some areas of the property to make sure the infestation has been completely dealt with.

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