Man's bizarre attempt to smuggle cobras

A man has been caught with three hissing cobras in his scooter’s boot space in a bizarre attempt to smuggle the animals.

Wildlife activists spotted the man frequenting a forest region in Bandipur, Karnataka in India on October 17.

The activists stopped him to search his scooter and were shocked to find three cobras inside the boot space.

A man has been caught with three hissing cobras in his scooter’s boot space. Photo: Newsflare
A man has been caught with three hissing cobras in his scooter’s boot space. Photo: Newsflare

Footage shows two adult cobras flaring up their hood in anger while the third and smallest snake was looking intimidated.

The activists released the snakes in the forest and handed the smuggler over to local officials.

Huge demand for snake venom and skin fuels an illegal trade of cobras in India.

Activists stopped him to search his scooter and were shocked to find three cobras inside the boot space. Photo: Newsflare
Activists stopped him to search his scooter and were shocked to find three cobras inside the boot space. Photo: Newsflare