Keno: Man scoops $8 million with 'unique' tactic in 'Australian first'

The Queenslander says his unusual tactics have now paid off very handsomely.

We all dream of instantly becoming a millionaire, and for one lucky Queenslander, he's managed to land two life-changing jackpots in the one night.

Lottery officials are calling his win an Australian first, after he claimed two Keno jackpots simultaneously.

The Kallangur man has been using the same lucky numbers for years, and unlike most Keno players he refuses to mix them up when entering several of the various Keno games on offer for the same draw – despite ridicule from his peers.

With Keno's games using the same numbers, the man managed to land the Keno Classic 10 Spot and Mega Millions 10 Spot jackpots, which were $1,720,431.50 and $6,730,470.50 respectively meaning he took home just over an impressive $8.45 million.

A picture of two Keno tickets.
The man regularly plays the same numbers despite his friends' disbelief. Source: The Lott, file.

“Everyone thought I was crazy for playing the same numbers in both games. Well, they didn’t win $8 million!" he told to The Lott.

"How many other people would take the same numbers in both games? The chances of that would be slim."

The Lott agreed, describing his win as a "unique" method. His numbers largely consist of birth dates in his family, with the man asking: "If they’re your lucky numbers, why don’t you play them in both draws?"

The man says the money will certainly help him enjoy retirement while he plans on helping his kids out.

His win came the same night as Powerball's mammoth $100 million draw, which saw a Melbourne mum and a syndicate share the division one jackpot.

Other Aussies add millions to their lotto wins

In March, a NSW man doubled his Monday and Wednesday Lotto winnings to $2 million after playing his numbers twice to make up for forgetting to put his wife's numbers on the week before.

And The Lott's Matt Hart recalled to Yahoo last year a couple who won Set for Life twice in the same draw, after the wife bought two identical tickets for their wedding anniversary. They both walked away with $4.8 million.

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