'Completely unacceptable': NSW man fined $5000 for 'disgusting' coronavirus act

Following reports of two men spitting on police officers, the NSW Assistant Police Commissioner and Health Minister have condemned such “disgusting” behaviour.

Police charged two men in NSW yesterday, in seperate incidents, where they both spat on police amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“It was disgusting to think that somebody would spit on a health worker or a police officer doing their job in this particular COVID time,” NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said on Saturday.

Two police officers were spat on, in two seperate incidents in NSW on Friday. Source: AAP
Two police officers were spat on, in two seperate incidents in NSW on Friday. Source: AAP

“It is absolutely remarkable that there are still people who would do that.”

The first incident occurred Friday afternoon, when police told a 24-year-old man in the southwest Sydney suburb of Ashcroft to move on from the carpark.

The man allegedly retaliated by spitting on a male officer. Police further allege the man made a comment about coronavirus.

NSW Police said it has since been confirmed the man does not have COVID-19.

He was charged, given a $5,000 fine and refused bail to appear before court on Saturday.

The second incident happened in the NSW Hunter region and occurred on Friday at around 6.45pm.

Police arrived on the scene following a domestic-related intimidation incident.

A 36-year-old man and a 62-year-old man were spoken to by police, before the younger of the two was arrested. As police attempted to put the man in a caged vehicle, a constable was punched in the head.

The 62-year-old man then approached the officers and allegedly pushed, hit and spat on a female constable, before he too was arrested.

Both men were charged for various offences, the 62-year-old also copping a $5,000 fine.

NSW Minister for Health Brad Hazzard spoke about the two spitting incidents on Saturday. Source: AAP
NSW Minister for Health Brad Hazzard spoke about the two spitting incidents on Saturday. Source: AAP

Spitting offences are ‘completely unacceptable’

Speaking to reporters on Saturday Mr Hazzard implored people to not “behave poorly” and not do “anything stupid”.

“This virus is extremely dangerous,” he said. “The reason why our community is doing so well is that so many in our community are looking after all of us, looking after themselves and looking after us.”

He said even if it was just a few people who chose to do such a thing, it was “ completely unacceptable”.

Assistant Commissioner Karen Webb then spoke on the two spitting incidents in recent days.

“Spitting or coughing at public officials is disgusting, it is against the law. It is disgusting at any time, but particularly during COVID,” she said.

Anyone who deliberately transmits coronavirus to someone else could face life in prison, Australian officials have warned.

NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Karen Webb condemned the spitting, especially amid a pandemic. Source: AAP
NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Karen Webb condemned the spitting, especially amid a pandemic. Source: AAP

It was just last weekend that Mr Hazzard said he was “appalled” to hear reports of nurses being abused, both verbally and physically, amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“That very same doctor, that very same nurse, when you see that person in a uniform in a hospital, and they might be actually putting a tube down your throat to keep you alive,” he said Sunday.

Last night, a 91-year-old woman with a pre-existing medical condition died of the coronavirus in NSW, taking the state's toll to 23.

A man aged in his 80s also died overnight in a Victorian hospital, taking Victoria’s toll to 14.

The two deaths reported on Saturday take the total number of deaths in Australia to 56.

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