Bali tourist's shocking injuries reveal major problem in holiday hotspot

It's not an uncommon sight to see tourists with severe injuries after a motorbike collision, which is a common form of transport on the island.

The man wearing black clothes with white bandages on his body (left) and a further away shot with a motorbike travelling past with two adults and a baby on board (right).
The man walking down a street in Bali with bandages after an alleged motorbike accident. Source: Instagram

Shocking footage of a man wandering down a street in Bali resembling an "Egyptian mummy" has been held up as a prime example of why travellers should steer clear of motorbikes and scooters while visiting the tourist hotspot.

The man was seen sporting a black shirt, shorts and sandals while his face, arms, hands, legs and feet were all wrapped in white bandages. He gingerly walked down the street wearing sunglasses last week and although his appearance did turn heads, it's not a hugely uncommon sight.

Motorbikes are a popular mode of transport in the area but high rates of crashes occur among tourists who are unfamiliar with the roads and their condition, with accidnets sometimes having fatal consequences.

Last year Bali recorded 632 road deaths and the vast majority, 86 per cent, involved motorcycles, The Bali Sun reports.

There was over double the number of accidents throughout 2023 when compared to the year prior and in an attempt to curb this, there was talks of a motorbike ban for tourists. Despite the Bali Governor at the time, Wayan Koster, backing the ban it never came to fruition, and instead authorities continued to urge tourists against riding a motorbike.

The footage has since gone viral on social media with over 62,000 views and many travellers have compared the man to a "superhero villain", while others commented on how common the sighting is in Bali.

"Every time I see sirens and a motorbike accident there's silly tourists at the side of the road," one claimed.

"If you’ve been to Bali, this is funny, because you see a bunch of white people with bandages all over and you know it’s from scooter accidents," another said. "The classic Bali tattoo," wrote another.

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