Aussies divided over car park revenge on 'selfish' driver

When a motorist arrived at the shopping centre to see a ute parked over the lines of another space he thought he would teach the driver a lesson.

A driver has ignited a fiery debate among Aussie motorists after boasting about getting revenge on another driver for their “selfish” parking job.

The Western Australian man posted photos of his 4WD parked extremely close to the driver’s right-side door of a white ute, which is clearly not within the parking bay’s lines.

The white ute parked over the bay's white line.
The man decided to seek revenge on the driver of the white ute that parked over the bay's line. Source: Facebook
The two cars parked very close together.
The man went on to reveal he waited in his car to see the other driver’s face. Source: Facebook

“Sucked to be the driver of the white one,” he wrote on Facebook with two laughing emojis. “The vehicle on the left was there when I parked. It left just as I was taking the photo,” he explained.

The man went on to reveal he waited in his car to see the other driver’s face when they came out of what appears to be a shopping centre.

He claims he told the woman his friend had gone into the shops, and she would have to get in the passenger side and climb over. “The look on the driver's face was worth it. I had the dashcam recording in case they spat on my window,” he said.

Driver's parking revenge backfires

While several people praised the man for being a “bloody legend”, many appeared to take offence at his revenge, arguing the driver or passenger could have had a “disability so needed extra space to get in/out?”.

“So what if he’s close or even over the line. Parking 6 inches away would have been a nice thing to do,” one person commented, to which the WA man responded he then would have been in the disabled bay.

“Your car would just get a big scratch if you did that to me and a dent in your door,” another said. “You really need to re-evaluate life if people's parking bothers you so much you waste your life going around trying to teach them a lesson,” someone else wrote.

However, one person said they would have done the same. “If you can’t park properly that’s what you deserve,” they added.

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