'How are the terrorists going?': Muslim woman left shocked after Sydney man's 'racist remarks'

A young Muslim woman has been left shocked after she allegedly became the victim of an Islamophobic attack while waiting for a train in Sydney's west.

Mini Elali was at Lidcombe train station at around 1pm on March 24, wearing a traditional headscarf, when a man wearing fluorescent clothing stopped in front of her and reportedly asked her:

"How are the terrorists going?"

"This man just approached me at Lidcombe station #Sydney and asked me 'how are the terrorists going?'" the 27-year-old tweeted.

This is the man Mini Elali claims asked her a shocking question at a Sydney train station. Photo: Twitter/Mini Elali
This is the man Mini Elali claims asked her a shocking question at a Sydney train station. Photo: Twitter/Mini Elali
Mini Elali tweeted:
Mini Elali tweeted:

Ms Elali said she asked the man what he meant, when he allegedly repeated the question while staring at her angrily.

The young woman said she replied: "How would I know?"

The woman took a photograph of the man and said a young girl ran after her to apologise for his racist comments.

"A schoolgirl was watching and I took a photo and walked away. The schoolgirl ran after me to apologise to me on behalf of the old bigot," she tweeted.

A few hours later she tweeted she was going to use the photo as evidence to file a report at Auburn Police Station.

This is not the first time Ms Elali says she has been harassed for her religion.

In 2011 she claims she was physically attacked and harassed in while waiting for a bus.

"A white woman started harassing me. Ended w her calling me a Muslim s--- & grabbing my face," she tweeted.

"Another time, I was waiting for a bus, a man drove past, saw me and cocked his hand like a gun & told me to "f--- off back to the desert"

In another shocking incident, the woman Ms Elali says a driver would not let her on a bus, allowing her husband to get on but 'shutting the doors when she tried to enter'.

Ms Elali went on to speak about how Muslim women wearing headscarves were easier targets than Muslim men.

"I have been physically attacked in Sydney & harassed and insulted. I personally don't know any Muslim man who has been," she tweeted.

"I have not heard of a Muslim man being harassed, I think it shows the inherent nature of these bigoted men; they are sexist and bigoted."

Inspector Chris Laird of Auburn Police Station told Yahoo7 that they have “received a report about derogatory remarks made toward a woman at Lidcombe train station”.

“Based on the information we have received no criminal offences have occurred at this time.”