Acupuncture may be an alternative therapy to IVF

Older women wanting to fall pregnant are turning to alternative therapies like acupuncture.

Doctors are successfully helping patients in their 40s conceive without the need for invasive IVF procedures.

Dr Kirk Wilson started out specialising in mental health but found in chinese medicine, the same energetic imbalance responsible for depression also causes infertility.

Acupuncture in action. Photo: Getty
Acupuncture in action. Photo: Getty

Dr Kirk focuses on treating poor egg quality.

It's a growing problem as women have children later in life.

"So it's basically getting the egg quality back up to where it should be. It's very difficult to make a 40-year-old a 20-year-old but we do our best,” he said.

IVF Australia regularly works with complementary therapies.

Alternative therapies could help older women fall pregnant. Photo: Getty
Alternative therapies could help older women fall pregnant. Photo: Getty

Dr Juliette Koch is a big supporter of a holistic approach.

"I think the collaboration is a good thing and I think it's very helpful to people. But we're yet to see the scientific evidence and that's what we really want to work towards,” she said.

The University of Western Sydney is now studying that relationship - with results to be released next year.