Comfort Without Cruelty

Firstly, I should be clear about the fact that I would never knowingly buy or wear real fur - I don't need to and I don't want to.

Give me the fake stuff every time.

I see no reason in 2011 to rely on capturing and killing animals (sometimes rare ones) purely because they have a beautiful, natural fur coat - we have modern textiles which can keep us warm - so why use it?

I was also deeply disturbed to hear last week that an investigation undertaken by the Humane Society uncovered an illegal trade in dog fur products entering Australia.

Various items, including ugg boots were found to be lined with dog hair and despite lobbying to the federal government, stricter laws and penalties will not be introduced.

I don't think the average Aussie would want to be trotting around their home in ugg boots made from a dog.

Traditionally ugg boots are made in Australia from 100 percent sheepskin - so why are we even contemplating purchasing these cheap overseas copy cats made from dog fur?

I guess if the government once again chooses to turn a blind eye to animal welfare, as it did in its recent decision not to make cattle stunning before death mandatory, then it's up to as consumers to be more discerning.

This has been a wake up call to me, as I will now be double checking to ensure that any item of "fake" fur I wear or purchase is indeed...fake.

It would also be good if the retailers would ensure the products they are selling are what they claim to be.

And, it's about time I bought myself a new pair of uggs - you can be certain I will be buying the Australian made product - not just to keep jobs in Oz, but also to ensure my dollar does not encourage cruelty.