Brewers hoping to correct 'beer belly myth'

The brewer that owns some of Australia's biggest brands is out to change the nation's mind about beer and the belly it leaves behind.

As nutrition labels are rolled out on bottles and cartons it is hoped consumers get the full story about what preservatives are in the bottle and how much sugar is in the drink.

But doctors are reminding drinkers there is no such thing as a healthy beer.

Independent research shows hat 87 percent of Australians do not know what goes into beer, but three out of four said if they knew more they would make better choices.

How man calories in what you drink? Source: 7News
How man calories in what you drink? Source: 7News

Compared to a can of Coke, which has 161 calories, a bottle of the low-carb XXXX Gold has 99 calories.

However, nutritionists warn you need to count more than just the carbs and the sugar.

Multi-national brewers Lion Nathan's Matt Tapper says there are "a lot of myths" they hope to correct.

According to 7News in-house doctor Andrew Roachford: "If you're worried about calories, whether it's to do with sugar content or carbohydrate content, you also need to understand that alcohol has calories in it as well."

Lion Nathan's Matt Tapper hopes to correct some 'myths'. Source: 7News
Lion Nathan's Matt Tapper hopes to correct some 'myths'. Source: 7News

Just like those who like their glass of wine, Australians who love their liquid amber and want to keep fit can do so. But with all things, Dietitian Catherine Saxelby says keep it in moderation.

"There's no reason why a healthy balanced diet can't include two beers a day."

News break - August 12