Internet roars with laughter at terrified kid's llama drama

A young American boy has found accidental fame on the Internet after his parents posted a video of his terrified reaction to meeting a llama.

The boy, Trey, was in the back seat of the car when his parents drove through the Tennessee Safari Park.

Trey and his brother were both holding cups of food for the animals, but as the they held the fare out of their windows to some nearby llamas, one showed it was was somewhat lacking in table manners.

Trey responded to his new fans with a follow up video in which he said he found his notoriety funny. Photo: YouTube
Trey responded to his new fans with a follow up video in which he said he found his notoriety funny. Photo: YouTube

While the feeding was an easy job for his brother, Trey’s pushy llama was in a hurry.

As the animal forced its head through the window, Trey can be seen lying terrified on the seat as it buries its head into the cup he is clutching.

But Trey’s terror appeared to hit the internet right on the funny bone after the video was uploaded to YouTube by Jason Jensen and the link posted to Reddit.

The clip shot straight to the top of the busy social news page, prompting the newly famous youngster to issue a public statement about his llama drama.

While terrifying for Trey, the internet found his llama encounter hilarious. Photo: YouTube
While terrifying for Trey, the internet found his llama encounter hilarious. Photo: YouTube

In a follow up video, Trey’s parents showed him his viral success and asked how he felt making it to the top of the front page of Reddit.

“Funny,” the still-shy youngster replied when asked how he felt about his newfound fame.

He said it was scary while the llama was eating out of his bowl before signing off with a cheerful “Hello, Reddit,” with the pain and trauma of the llama encounter obviously already behind him.