Paedophile hunters catch out man who 'groomed teen' on Grindr

A group of vigilantes filmed the moment they detained a paedophile, who used dating app Grindr to arrange a meet-up with a "teenage boy".

Kevin Golden, 54, was handed a three-year community service sentence after asking what he thought was an underage boy for naked pictures and a meeting.

When he arrived to meet the boy, who was claimed to be 14, at the Sunderland seafront in the UK, he realised a group of volunteers had set him up.

“You shouldn’t be speaking to this child, when this child told you he was 14 you should’ve told him to get lost,” a man can be heard telling a shocked Golden.

The 54-year-old thought he was meeting a 14-year-old boy. Source: Facebook
The 54-year-old thought he was meeting a 14-year-old boy. Source: Facebook
Kevin Golden was handed a three year community service sentence. Source: Facebook
Kevin Golden was handed a three year community service sentence. Source: Facebook

“You carried on speaking to him you mentioned sex, you asked this child for sex.

“We’ve got all the evidence here tonight, you will be arrested.”

UK police arrived and arrested Golden where he conceded that he “had done wrong”.

Golden's attorney said his client's behaviour was highly out of character. Source: Facebook
Golden's attorney said his client's behaviour was highly out of character. Source: Facebook
Golden told the court he was extremely remorseful. Source: Facebook
Golden told the court he was extremely remorseful. Source: Facebook

“He voluntarily handed over his mobile phone, saying ‘it was a silly thing to do’ and ‘I know I have done wrong,” Prosecutor Anne Richardson told the court.

Golden's attorney Jamie Adams said his client's actions were highly out of character.

“He was not looking for this kind of thing... He does not habitually do this kind of thing," Mr Adams said.

A remorseful Golden, who has already spent two months behind bars, pleaded guilty to attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity and attempting to meet a child after sexual grooming.

He now must abide by a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for ten years and sign the Sex Offenders Register for five years.