Woman's mission to find wedding ring owner

A woman was surprised when she found someone else’s wedding ring inside the packaging of a Christmas present and made it her mission to reunite the ring with its true owner.

Shiloah Avery, a US woman, was the pot she received as a gift when she discovered the piece of jewellery according to ABC11.

“I pulled the bottom packaging material out and there was a wedding ring in the bottom of it and it wasn’t just like an engagement ring it was an actual wedding band and ring,” Ms Avery told local outlet Q13 Fox.

Ms Avery called the cooking pot company, but wanted a quicker result so she took to a local Facebook group.

“I could only imagine if that was me and it was sad,” Ms Avery told the outlet.

Ms Avery found the ring in the bottom of a cardboard box.
Ms Avery found the ring in the bottom of a cardboard box. Source: Q13 Fox

“It’s somebody’s possession, especially being a wedding ring, so I wanted to make sure it got back to the owner.”

Within hours, she found the ring’s rightful owner, Joann Johnson.

Ms Johnson had been shopping for pots in October when she lost her ring shortly before her 20th wedding anniversary, local outlet ABC11 reported.

She was delighted to be reunited with her ring.

“To me, she is my Christmas angel. She is just my absolute Christmas angel. It made my year,” Ms Johnson told the outlet.