'Thousands will die': Threatening letter sent to Merrylands Police Station

Two terror threats have been made in Sydney with both a police station and a popular shopping centre targeted only a day after a school was placed on high alert.

NSW Police have confirmed they are investigating a threatening letter which was received at Merrylands Police Station today with a separate threat to Penrith Plaza being posted on online site 4Chan.

The letter sent to Merrylands Police Station contains threats of violence against non-Muslims, according to Ray Hadley, who broke the story on Tuesday morning.

It has beem confirmed that Merrylands Police Station received a threatening letter. Photo: 7 News
It has beem confirmed that Merrylands Police Station received a threatening letter. Photo: 7 News

His tip-off claimed the letter warns ‘thousands will die’ in attacks on Jewish schools and NSW Police stations.

He also reported that an image of an Islamic State extremist with an array of severed heads accompanied the letter.

In a separate threat a "warning to my people in Sydney" was posted to online site 4Chan along with an image of Penrith Plaza claiming there would be an attack at 10am on Tuesday.

"My Australian friends and family, I have decided I will go out with a bang (quite literally)," the post read.

Police confirmed they were aware of the threat to Yahoo7 News that a threat was made to the social media website and said there would be an increased police presence.

Police confirmed to Yahoo7 News that a threat was made, warning people there would be an attack at 10am on Thursday. Photo: 7 News
Police confirmed to Yahoo7 News that a threat was made, warning people there would be an attack at 10am on Thursday. Photo: 7 News

The post, which mimics the style and content of a similar message posted before a recent mass shooting in Oregon, is the second of its type in as many days.

The University of New South Wales was yesterday liaising with anti-terrorism officers following a security threat made against its Kensington campus on social media.