So THAT's How You Get Rid Of Window Condensation Quickly

Is anyone else freezing when they wake up? You’re not alone. Temperatures have finally reached seasonal lows, which can only mean one thing – the return of window condensation and, with it, mould.

The last thing we all need in our lives right now is damp conditions that make it easy for mould to take hold of our walls, ceilings and soft furnishings. 

Guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation tell us just how badly mould can impact our health, citing, “inflammatory and toxic responses after exposure to microorganisms isolated from damp buildings, including their spores, metabolites, and components.” 

In short; exposure to mould can make us really, really unwell with respiratory illnesses

So, how do we get rid of that pesky window condensation before it affects our homes?

Put a stop to condensation

First things first – why do we get it? Well, condensation forms when warm air meets a cold surface. This is why, when it gets chillier outside and warmer inside, condensation appears on windows in our home. You may know this acutely if you have single-glazed windows. Brrr!

Chris Michael, managing director of UK air treatment specialist Meaco, explained to The Daily Express: “There are three factors that determine whether condensation forms on your windows, the level of moisture in the air, the air temperature of the room and the surface temperature of the windows.”

He says the more moisture in the air, the more likely condensation will form. There are unavoidable things we all do that can mean that there’s more moisture in the air – from drying clothes indoors, whacking the kettle on to boiling pasta and even breathing. 

Michael explains: “The warmer a room is, the more moisture the air can hold, and the colder windows are, the greater the difference will be between the air temperature and this surface temperature.”

So, what can be done to break the cycle of condensation? 

According to the pro, simply adding lids to pots and pans of boiling water, using extractor fans in the kitchen and bathrooms, sticking an extra spin cycle on the washing machine and grabbing a dehumidifier can all help reduce the amount of moisture in the air. 

To help prevent mould from forming, give windows a wipe-dry in the morning and if you can afford to, pop the heating on during the colder hours to help keep the condensation outside.

Simple really!
