Outrage over 'entitled' Mercedes driver's 'selfish' parking job

An “entitled” motorist in Sydney has been slammed for their inability to park correctly at a Bunnings store.

An image of a Mercedes parked on a crossing at Bunnings in Alexandria was shared to Reddit on Monday, prompting a wave of comments on the site.

“If you park like this you deserve to have your car keyed,” one person said.

The image shows the Mercedes squeezed in between two cars, parked along a walkway which leads shoppers to the store’s entrance.

“Some people just don't have any courtesy or respect, and are just selfish,” another added.

Several called the driver “entitled” while referencing the manufacturer of the car.

Bunnings Alexandria parking Mercedes
The car on a pedestrian crossing, wedged in between two designated parking spaces. Source: Reddit/ geisteskranken

There was a handful of comments suggesting the driver may not have realised they were parking on a crossing, yet others were quick to quash such claims.

“If that driver was unable to see those giant yellow lines and was unable to comprehend their meaning then they need to be off the road.”

While it is unknown if the driver was approached over their parking, a motorist in Brisbane was given an earful for their attempt at a reverse park in March.

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