Suspicious minds: The case against Madeleine McCann’s parents

Some believe they are tragic victims, others that they are negligent parents.

But there are also many who still argue that Kate and Gerry McCann are the most likely suspects in the disappearance of their daughter, Madeleine.

In an in-depth investigation, Sunday Night hears from those closest to the case: a forensic scientist, detectives, a criminal profiler – and the McCanns themselves.

Kate and Gerry McCann prepare for an interview with Rahni Sadler.
Kate and Gerry McCann prepare for an interview with Rahni Sadler.

According to those interviewed in this Rahni Sadler investigation, the widespread speculation about the involvement of the McCanns has been a distraction that has hampered the search and diverted attention and resources from solving the case.

“The most upsetting thing for us was that obviously impacts greatly on the search for Madeleine, we need people to be helping us look for her,” Kate tells Sunday Night.

From the beginning, Portuguese police were suspicious that Madeleine’s parents were somehow involved in the disappearance of their daughter.

“There is no hint, no proof that the child was kidnapped,” says Detective Goncalo Amaral, who initially led the investigation.

Madeleine disappeared on May 3, 2007 during a family holiday in Praia da Luz, Portugal.
Madeleine disappeared on May 3, 2007 during a family holiday in Praia da Luz, Portugal.

But despite many leaks to the media, what were Portuguese authorities not revealing?

When Scotland Yard detectives got their hands on all the evidence gathered, the British investigators made some shocking discoveries.

They were developments that blew the investigation wide open.

Rahni Sadler investigates, on Sunday night at 8pm on Channel 7.