Robbie Slater-Craig Foster feud flares again

The long-running feud between former Socceroos teammates Craig Foster and Robbie Slater has once again flared up on Twitter.

In the hours after Australia’s 3-0 loss to Spain in their final World Cup group match, Slater took aim at Foster’s SBS commentary after the latter sent out a call to arms to Aussie football fans.

"Message to everyone that loved Roos is get into a stadium, become A-League member, join the mission, throw your support behind the dream," Foster tweeted.

Slater then inexplicably replied with: "Learn how to co commentate! You ruined the World Cup my son! A bit harsh but constructive!"

Foster responded: "Rob, your thoughts are excretions," he posted. "I long ago tired of your intellectual bowel movements. Bit harsh, eminently constructive."

Slater's attack on Foster. Source: Twitter
Slater's attack on Foster. Source: Twitter

This is the latest incident in the tumultuous relationship between the two highly respected commentators.

In 2012 Slater once again took to Twitter, slamming a Foster article as ‘racist’.

Foster had questioned the appointment of a British coach at Melbourne Victory, saying the appointment was a "return to the direction of yesteryear" and a reminder of Australian's "historical reliance on Britons."

"His article in my opinion is a racist column," Slater tweeted. "British people have made a massive contribution to the history of our game and continue to do so."

Craig Foster. Source: Getty
Craig Foster. Source: Getty

Slater later revealed their feud was a result of a pay dispute while they were both playing for the Socceroos in the Confederations Cup.

"Despite being new to the team, Foster - and some other players - felt we weren't getting enough of the prize money," Slater wrote. "The arguments were bitter, with Foster on one side, me on the other. The feeling around the team was very uneasy.

"There had been other disputes over money during my time, but nothing like this.

"There were threats not to play, which would have resulted in Australia being kicked out of FIFA. It was a dark time for football in this country.

Robbie Slater (right). Source: Getty
Robbie Slater (right). Source: Getty

Slater has been highly critical of SBS’s coverage of the 2014 World Cup.

"Dear oh dear the coverage!" he tweeted. "Now I know why I went to the last 4 world cups ! Don't have to put up with this ahhhhhhhhhh!"

He also posted: "We could do with a bit of professionalism in the commentary though ! Haha ‪#fanspoilstheshow".