Shocking racist note left in upscale hotel room

A man left shocked by a racist note in his upscale hotel room believes he was the victim of a July 4th hate crime.

Frank Davis and his son Michael were staying at the Art Ovation Hotel in Manhattan when they returned to their room to find a post-it-note taped to one of the lamps.

“You’re a n***er,” the note, written on hotel stationary, read.

Frank, who is the millionaire CEO of The Horizon Group, said the pair were left concerned for their safety as they had no idea how someone got into the room to leave the note.

Frank Davis and his son Michael were staying at the <span>Art Ovation Hotel in Manhattan when they returned to their room to find a post-it-note taped to one of the lamps. Source: </span>Facebook/Michael Davis
Frank Davis and his son Michael were staying at the Art Ovation Hotel in Manhattan when they returned to their room to find a post-it-note taped to one of the lamps. Source: Facebook/Michael Davis

“I was stone cold for 30 to 40 seconds when I read the note,” Michael told The NY Post.

“My first thought was, ‘what did we do to deserve this?’

“We tipped well, we were beyond nice to all the staff.”

In a post on Facebook, Michael said they called the front desk, who offered them a free night accommodation.

But he said they would have felt unsafe spending another night at Art Ovation and chose to pay for a room at another hotel.

“We still have no update as to how someone was able to break into our room to leave the note,” he wrote.

The hotel guests also called the police to report the note and said the Sarasota Police Department responded. No suspects have been named.