Serial boot thief who stole thousands of dollars worth of footwear fined

A serial boot thief has been handed a $4000 fine after stealing shoes from front porches.

The diagnosed kleptomaniac stockpiled $7000 worth of stolen work boots and running shoes inside his home.

But police were hot on his heels after he was caught on CCTV – after a six-year-long mystery.

Between 2012 and 2017, Andrew Muster amassed a stockpile of shoes inside his bedrooms and garage. Source: 7 News
Between 2012 and 2017, Andrew Muster amassed a stockpile of shoes inside his bedrooms and garage. Source: 7 News

Andrew Muster struck in the dead of night, taking 2400 pairs of shoes – roughly one per day – from the front porches of houses in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

Between 2012 and 2017, he amassed a stockpile of shoes inside his bedrooms and garage.

They were mostly work boots – some with the victim’s socks still inside.

The 44-year-old said there was no real reason for the thefts other than that he had “liked shoes for a long time”. Source: 7 News
The 44-year-old said there was no real reason for the thefts other than that he had “liked shoes for a long time”. Source: 7 News

The haul became part of Victoria Police’s largest-ever shoe haul in February, as owners were urged to come forward and reclaim their stolen booty.

The 44-year-old said there was no real reason for the thefts other than that he had “liked shoes for a long time.”

He went barefoot during the thefts so he wouldn’t be heard.

A court heard Muster was a diagnosed kleptomaniac who also hoarded other items, including cleaning products and food.

Owners were urged to come forward and reclaim their stolen booty. Source: 7 News
Owners were urged to come forward and reclaim their stolen booty. Source: 7 News

The Magistrate conceded that his was more of a mental health issue than a criminal case.

He is already seeing a psychiatrist and was given a 12-month good behaviour bond.

Muster will also have to foot the bill for his crime spree, ordered to pay a $4000 fine.