Homeowner faces off against council over odd light pole position

A suburban stoush has erupted between a homeowner and Perth’s biggest council.

The two parties are at loggerheads over a light pole which sits, rather awkwardly, right in the middle of the Mullaloo home’s driveway.

Each day the homeowners have to navigate their car carefully around the pole when they go out and come home.

The City of Joondalup says when the owner built the driveway, its deviated from council-approved design, and now the light no longer works.

The light pole sits in the middle of a Mullaloo home’s driveway. Source: 7 News
The light pole sits in the middle of a Mullaloo home’s driveway. Source: 7 News

But the homeowners told 7 News they felt they had no choice but to build a double driveway given the light’s odd position.

They’re asking the council to shift the light pole from their driveway on Precision Avenue, but the council is instead asking them to cut their driveway back to the approved size.

The City of Joondalup told 7 News it was working with the homeowners to fix the problem.

The homeowners want the pole removed, but the council wants them to alter their driveway design. Source: 7 News
The homeowners want the pole removed, but the council wants them to alter their driveway design. Source: 7 News