REVIEW: selfie heaven with the LG G3

LG G3 smartphone

Price: ~$799

Rating: 4/5

Should I buy it? If you're addicted to Instagram and selfies, yes. If you aren't, the Galaxy S5 does it better.

For a phone provider other than Samsung and Apple, you have to do something pretty special to win over a substantial audience.

But what do you do to appeal to the masses that are seemingly pre-disposed to either an Apple or South Korea's finest?

The answer: appeal to our narcissistic tendencies. Or, in other words, create as many cool ways to take a selfie as possible.

The 5.5-inch LG G3 smartphone is Instagram user's dream.

Not only can you take selfies by yelling "cheese" or "whisky" at the phone, you can wave at it, put your hand into a fist, and it'll take one for you.

As the Macquarie dictionary included this word in its esteemed pages recently, I feel I can use it legitimately: "amazeballs".

Here's an example:

"selfie" taken with the split screen LG G3.

With this one I didn't really know why or how the splitscreen would be useful, unless prentending to take a selfie and instead catching out a workmate, in this case, working.

This one was taken with the wave and fist method (which sounds a little off putting).

The camera has so many different elements to it, it's like a in built home studio. The kind of feature we would have paid thousands for a decade ago.

Other positives?

It is super fast, and is compatible to the new 700Mhz network that Telstra and Optus have been flogging lately. Basically, it's the fastest 4G you can get in Australia right now.

It also has the Health app built in, to read how far you've walked etc (although that seems to be a bit of standard issue these days for the top range smartphones)

A few little annoying titbits stood out:

I'm not sure if they think teenage children with undeveloped fingers are the only ones using then phone, but I don't even have large fingers and I was battling to send a txt message with the in-built keyboard.

if you're going to pay that much the Samsung S5 (which is around the same price) does everything a little better: it has a better screen, better interface, better display and it's thinner and lighter.

The LG just has a better camera, and arguably may be a little faster.

But if you want something different from the masses,that has a few rather cool gimmicks, the LG G3 is a goer.