Respects paid to well known boatie Ritchie

Rockingham Volunteer Sea Rescue Group commander Peter Edwards has paid tribute to well known boatie Ritchie Bryant, who died on August 12.

Mr Bryant became an integral part of the group when he moved to Safety Bay about 25 years ago.

Originally from Mosman Park, Mr Bryant was the fourth generation of his family involved in rope-making.

He made rope for the Royal Australian Navy and commercial use, while employed at WA Rope and Twine Co, before retiring to Rockingham.

He also passed on invaluable tips to numerous Sea Rescue volunteers, and was well respected for his knowledge about ropes, knots, navigation and radio.

‘‘Ritchie was very active with Sea Rescue right up until about 12 months ago, when his health began to fail him,’’ Mr Edwards said.

‘‘He always had a twinkle in his eye.

He had a good sense of humour and loved helping people.

‘‘He was very social and outgoing. He loved talking to people.’’

Mr Bryant coordinated the group’s Recreational Skipper Ticket program and was a valuable crew member, training officer and commander of operations.

His nautical knowledge and dedication to the group was recognised when he was made a life member in 2001.

A new training vessel was named the Ritchie Bryant in honour of his unique contribution to training within the group in 2010.

‘‘He loved his time on the seas, and had it in his blood,’’ Mr Edwards said.

‘‘He will be sadly missed by all.’’