Police forced to chase down croc found wandering 3km from water

Western Australia Police Force has captured a different kind of culprit, after a freshwater crocodile somehow made its way into an industrial area of the state’s north.

Footage shows the officers becoming reptile hunters as they closed in on the two metre croc about midday on Wednesday, before releasing it back into the wild.

WA Police captured a freshwater crocodile in a Fitzroy Crossing industrial area.
WA Police officers became reptile hunters as they closed in on a freshwater crocodile, found three kilometres from the closest stretch of water.

Fitzroy Crossing officers found the two-metre crocodile around three kilometres from the closest stretch of water.

Locals say they spotted the reptile at the site the night before, so the force brought in former unsworn police customer service officer Sean Cunningham, known for his snake-catching abilities, to help catch the croc, according to The West Australian.

The wayward croc was then covered in a blanket, loaded into a police car, and driven 10 kilometres to the Fitzroy River where it was released.

WA Police captured a freshwater crocodile in a Fitzroy Crossing industrial area.
The wayward crocodile was then covered in a blanket, loaded into a police car, and driven 10 kilometres to the Fitzroy River where it was released. Source: WA Police

Senior Sergeant Danial Strachan said the crocodile was not happy about being caught and snapped at officers who came close.

“It was really dehydrated, we got it to the river and we were still concerned about it because it was still sitting on the bank and it wasn’t moving much and we ended up coaxing it into the water and it swam away.

“I probably won’t get to do that again and I’ll tell you what, if it is any bigger I won’t be going near one,” he told The West Australian.