Paul McCartney fan ‘dropped, dragged, bashed by police’, misses concert

Sir Paul McCartney thrilled fans at his second and final performance in Melbourne but one man in the crowd of almost 30,000 claims he missed out, because police unfairly hauled him away.

Shattered after missing out on seeing his idol on Wednesday night, Michael Gilchrist has been left confused and angry.

"It was the worst experience of my life because I was so helpless," he said.

Mr Gilchrist claims he was kicked out of the venue by police. Source: 7 News
Mr Gilchrist claims he was kicked out of the venue by police. Source: 7 News

Mr Gilchrist claims he was dancing near his seat to McCartney's first song.

"One of the security people said, 'You can't be here'. And I said 'It's Paul McCartney and we're having a boogie'. And the next thing I know I was just dropped by police," he said.

"I was dragged 30 metres, put up against a wall, handcuffed and bashed."

Around 30,000 people attended the concert. Source: 7 News
Around 30,000 people attended the concert. Source: 7 News

Police say Mr Gilchrist was arrested and locked up after being verbally aggressive to staff and repeatedly refusing officers' requests to return to his seat.

The 36-year-old insists he wasn't drunk.

"I'd had three beers," he said, insisting that he will make a complaint to police.

While Mr Gilchrist was living a nightmare, a Year 10 student from Scotch College had a dream come true on stage - up close and personal with McCartney.

Will Mountney spoke to McCartney on stage. Source: 7 News
Will Mountney spoke to McCartney on stage. Source: 7 News

"Sir Paul McCartney, you knew it was big, but it didn't really fully kick in until we were there," Will Mountney said.

"[I'm] pretty honoured because like, being on stage, getting to talk to him, an ex-Beatle. It's huge."