What iPod inventor Tony Fadell says he learned from Steve Jobs

Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer is joined by DICE Founder & CEO Phil Hutcheon along with Tony Fadell, Future Shape Principal, Nest Founder, and iPod inventor, as they discuss what Tony learned from Steve Jobs during his time at Apple Inc.

Video transcript

- One more Wayback Machine question--


- --Tony, OK? And that's you worked with Steve Jobs. Apple built a music business when you were there. What did you learn from Steve and what do you think he'd be thinking about the world today and the technology that we're using?

TONY FADELL: Well, I think for me, what it was all about in the Music Store in the iPod, it was always about what do the customers really want? What is going to give them that social or excuse me, that emotional experience that they crave, that they want, and a rational part of that, making it simple and all those other things. And that's like dice. So, when you see something like this, you're like, wow.

I think that if Steve was here today, he would go we need to get artists more money. I think if he looked at the streaming services out there, I know how much you loved musicians, bands, and wanted to support them. I remember way back when, he was looking at buying certain media companies, that kind of stuff, because he really wanted to revolutionize that. And so as far as I'm concerned, if he woke up today and saw the streaming services, the way they are today and where the artists are not getting fairly paid, he would fix that, absolutely.