'Ignorant' move in suburban street as parking feud escalates

A frustrated resident has taken a neighbourhood dispute to new heights, vandalising a caravan with a two word message.

Vandalised caravan with words 'move it' scribbled in black spray paint
A parking feud over a caravan has escalated with someone using spray paint to scribble 'move it' on the van. Source: Facebook

Battling it out with neighbours over limited street parking can be a pain point, even in the best communities. But when boats, caravans or trailers take up valuable kerbside real estate, well that's another story all together.

One furious resident has taken matters into their own hands by vandalising a caravan parked on a street in Sydney's Drummoynne, a wealthy waterfront suburb in the city's inner west. The words 'move it' were scrawled on the van in black spray paint — a stunt some residents branded "evil".

The neighbourhood dispute has been ongoing it appears, according to a shocked resident who spotted the act of vandalism earlier this week, with the latest stunt escalating the feud to new heights.

"I know there’s a bunch of people on here who take issue with caravans, boats and trailers parked on the street. But vandalising legally parked caravans?" the woman questioned online.

"I’m not making accusations, but I saw this when I went for a walk a few days ago and think it’s a bit much…" she added. But it's not the first time parking disputes have escalated to this level.

In November, the words “f**k it off” were sprayed in bright red paint over a tarp covering a boat in Freshwater, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. “The boat and trailer are registered and we can thus park it legally in the street,” the owner wrote in a response letter, which they taped to the boat.

The neighbours' feud began when the boat trailer was regularly parked in the 'high density' area. Source: Reddit
The neighbours' feud began when the boat trailer was regularly parked in the 'high density' area. Source: Reddit

In NSW, and most other states and territories, it is legal for boats, trailers and caravans to be stationed on the street in the same spot for up to 28 days. After this, it needs to be moved, and its new location needs to be "at least as far as a different block section of the same street", according to guidelines.

Drummoyne locals weren't impressed with one branding the act "appalling". "So much ignorance today," another said after seeing the photos shared online.

"Maybe put a nice note instead it will get you a lot further. Karma will get you and your spray can just wait and see," another wrote.

Previously, in the south Sydney suburb of Penshurst, a neighbour's complaint about a caravan parked in front of her home resulted in the local council stepping in. A 'no parking' zone was installed outside her house to stop her neighbour from parking his van next to her driveway — a decision that cost tax payers $700.

And earlier this year, a hooded figure was caught on CCTV vandalising a boat parked outside someone's home, prompting the owner to launch an appeal to help identify the culprit.

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