Man dragged 100m in road rage horror
Horror details have been revealed about an alleged road rage incident that left a man dead on a busy Sydney street, after he was dragged 100 metres down a busy road and left to die, police have said.
The 27-year-old man was dragged down Jersey Rd in Blackett, near Mount Druitt, about 8.45am as parents were dropping children at school nearby.
Acting Inspector Shane Ranee from Mt Druitt Police Area Command told media the victim and alleged offender spoke with one another before the shocking alleged killing.
The man who died in the incident got out of his vehicle after he was allegedly “threatened by the car following him”, Inspector Ranee said.
“Words were said,” the inspector said, before the driver of a white utility vehicle then allegedly crashed into the man.
“It’s devastating, for the victim’s parents, the victim’s family,” he said.
Police are now on the hunt for the man driving the white ute, who took off from the scene of the crash and hasn’t been seen since.
Inspector Ranee appealed for the man to turn himself in, warning him “we will find you”.
He told media that police believe road rage is a factor in the incident, but it is not clear what may have triggered the incident.
“Apparently the victim had gotten out of his vehicle after being threatened by a car following him and obviously words were said...that’s what led us to believe it could have happened because of a road-rage incident,” Inspector Ranee said.
Paramedics desperately attempted to save the victim, who was wearing high-visibility workwear, but he died at the scene.
Photos from the scene show a red vehicle being towed away from the scene, which is believed to belong to the victim.
Emergency services raced to Jersey Road in Blackett in Sydney’s outer west on reports a pedestrian had been hit by a car on Thursday morning.
“Officers attached to Mount Druitt Police Area Command arrived and found a 27-year-old man had been hit by a utility before it fled the scene,” the police said in a statement from Thursday morning.
“The 27-year-old, who was wearing high visibility clothing, was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics but died at the scene.”
“Police have established a crime scene and detectives have launched an investigation into the incident.
“As investigations continue police are hoping to speak to the driver of the utility that was seen in the area at the time of the incident.
“The vehicle is described as being a white utility with a metal tray, a black canopy and a black toolbox with metal racks on top.”
The incident happened around 8.45am.
Police are urging anyone with dashcam footage, CCTV vision of information about the crash to call into Mt Druitt Police or Crime Stoppers.
Resident Debbie Cremen told ABC the road was known for being “pretty notorious”.
“I worked on the crossing here and I’d nearly been hit numerous times,” she said.
“I was walking children across and a car slammed into the street sign, or else the car would of hit me, and another car just ran straight into the back of it.”