Horrifying twist after woman discovers deadly snake inside her car

A South Australian woman was horrified to come face-to-face with a venomous snake when stepping into her car.

Shelley Bridge jumped into her Mazda CX7 on Tuesday morning and as she put her hands on the steering wheel, the red-bellied black snake snapped its head into view only centimetres away.

“It was 10cm away from my hands — I said a few expletives,” the Blewitt Springs local said to The Advertiser.

One photo of the red-belied snake in the inside of the car and another of the snake being held.
A South Australian woman almost started driving her car before she noticed a red-bellied snake only centimetres away from her steering wheel. Source: Facebook/Snake Catchers Adelaide

Quickly getting out of the car, Ms Bridge called Snake Catchers Adelaide who swiftly came to her rescue, however at this point the deadly snake hid itself again, having been able to conceal itself in the car for weeks.

“I park my car up next to my house on our rural property and we actually saw a snake drop from the car two weeks ago. I thought it was outside the car,” Ms Bridge told The Advertiser.

“I’ve had passengers and dogs in the car since and it never popped up over that period.”

Snake Catchers Adelaide could tell the deadly creature had been in the car for quite some time judging by its shedded skin in the boot.

"We searched through the car only finding a shed skin in the rear tyre," the business said on their Facebook page. "Our plan was to wait until it came out a day or so later and come back and quickly grab it."

One photo of the boot of a Mazda and another of a shedded snake skin.
The venomous snake had apparently been living in the woman's car for weeks, with a shedded snake skin discovered in the boot. Source: Facebook/Snake Catchers Adelaide

"It took up residence behind the dash, coming out to sun itself and retreat whenever it saw someone."

After a few days the snake was finally caught sunbathing in the dash again, which is when Pete from Snake Catchers Adelaide managed to grab it by the tail.

“I didn’t drive it for a couple of days and on Thursday morning at about 10am I found it sunbaking on the dash again, so I quickly called Pete,” she told local media.

Social media users react to terrifying snake encounter

Many on Facebook commented how shocking it would've been to be in that situation.

"I would literally crap myself!" one person said.

"New fear unlocked," said another.

In fact Ms Bridge herself spoke about how traumatising it was, saying she is now extra cautious when entering the car.

“I’ve been doing some double checking when I get in now,” she told local media.

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