Horrifying moment woman THROWS puppy to escape police

A woman who was seen abusing a puppy has then thrown the animal at a police officer in an attempt to flee the scene.

On December 31, police officers attached to the Tulsa Police Department in the US state of Oklahoma were called after a woman was seen kicking and dragging a small puppy.

Witnesses followed the woman and reported additional abuse and some even tried to stop the abuse.

However, Sarah Powell, the woman accused of abusing the dog, allegedly threatened the witnesses.

A woman was seen abusing a dog and then threw him at a police officer to try and escape. Source: Facebook/Tulsa Police Department
A woman was seen abusing a dog and then threw him at a police officer to try and escape. Source: Facebook/Tulsa Police Department

The first police officer on the scene tried to talk with Powell, however it's allege she became "argumentative" and tossed the puppy at the officer.


Luckily, the officer was able to catch the puppy.

After throwing the dog, Powell then tried to flee but more officers arrived at the scene and were able to capture her.

Powell reportedly resisted, but was taken into custody.

The officer was able to catch the puppy,  who was taken to a shelter. Source: Facebook/Tulsa Police Department
The officer was able to catch the puppy, who was taken to a shelter. Source: Facebook/Tulsa Police Department

She was charged with cruelty to animals, obstruction and trying to interfere with an officer and threatening a violent act, the Tulsa Police Department said in a statement on Facebook.

Following the incident, the puppy was taken to City of Tulsa Animal Welfare for treatment and care.

He had some minor injuries — a few cuts and scrapes on his stomach and feet.


Police said witnesses at the scene had said they planned on adopting the puppy.

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