Fitness star Ashy Bines faces major blowback on social media over business issues

Gold Coast fitness star Ashy Bines is facing a fresh barrage of complaints about her and her business practices after a number of customers found money coming out of their accounts that they were unaware of.

A group of disgruntled former customers have launched their own social media page, collecting complaints against Ashy Bines and her fitness empire.

It already has a following of more than 14,000 people.

The page is littered with hundreds of complaints about being kicked out of or blocked from forums the customers had paid for.

Ashy Bines' company has received complaints. Source: 7 News
Ashy Bines' company has received complaints. Source: 7 News

Customers such as Michelle Denham say her issues with the business were not resolved until she threatened to take legal action.

"Payments started coming out of my account and I was curious to why because it was a one-off payment so contacted them via email several times and never heard back," she claims.

"I then wrote on their Facebook page and I was told the questions I was asking were inappropriate on their page and was blocked by them."

Ms Denham said she had to threaten legal action before something was done to help her. Source: 7 News
Ms Denham said she had to threaten legal action before something was done to help her. Source: 7 News

A representative of Ashy Bines said sometimes the smallest percentage of people are the loudest.

“Out of the hundreds of thousands of happy and long-term customers, sometimes the loudest are a very small percentage that may not be happy with the service or those that have not read the Terms and Conditions when signing up/purchasing,” the representative said.

“Our terms and conditions are clearly laid out and accessible on the appropriate website and in the Apple and Android App stores. A number of the concerns raised seem to be centred around misinformation without all of the facts of each individual customer/purchase.

Complaints have also been made against Ms Bines' clothing line. Source: 7 News
Complaints have also been made against Ms Bines' clothing line. Source: 7 News

“As a business, our number one focus is giving our clients a positive experience. Our strong community is built from repeat customers.

"Our intention is to always build our community and provide customers with the best possible service. If there has been any wrongdoing or mistakes, we will own up to that. In saying that, we are highly confident in our customer service and support teams ability.

"They are passionate individuals whose end goal aligns with ours, all wanting to make a difference by helping girls to lead and live a healthier and happier life.”

There have also been numerous complaints about the Ashy Bines clothing brand, with customers repeatedly posting about their struggles to return items and to get a refund.

Customers with any queries or complaints can contact the company.