CCTV of tragic Dreamworld incident played at inquest

The inquest into the deaths of four people on the Thunder River Rapids ride at Dreamworld has been shown CCTV of the tragedy.

The court was closed to the public on Thursday, but some families chose to stay and watch the footage, which also included vision of the three to four minutes leading up to the fatal incident.

Counsel Assisting Ken Fleming QC described the footage as “awful”.

The family’s of the four Dreamworld victims have been shown footage of the incident. Source: AAP
The family’s of the four Dreamworld victims have been shown footage of the incident. Source: AAP

The inquest also heard electrician Francoire De Villiers responded to the first of three breakdowns on the day of the tragedy. He also knew about two prior failures days earlier.

“I would have never started it up even if I had the slightest inkling that anything like this could happen,” he said, offering his condolences to the families.

The motor was going to be tested more thoroughly the next day, but the ride closed that afternoon forever.

The inquest also heard the events were eerily similar to an incident in 2001.

Ride operator Joe Stenning was a deckhand that day as the four rafts collided and some flipped after one became stuck on the conveyor. Fortunately, that day no-one was riding the rafts.

“It was pretty unreal to witness,” Mr Stenning said.

Friday is the final day of the hearing, with more to be held later in the year to speak with other witnesses.