Can you answer this NSW Learner test question about parking?

Many drivers often take shortcuts parking when they are in a rush, but this learner driver test question proves that authorities take the rules quite seriously.

Would you be able to answer this question on parallel parking in the Service NSW’s Driver Knowledge Test correctly?

The question asks: “Where there is parallel kerbside parking, are you allowed to double-park alongside a vehicle?

The possible answers include:

  1. No – not at any time

  2. Yes – if delivering goods

  3. Yes – if not obstructing traffic

It’s here when some drivers may come unstuck as they may think their habits are correct even if they contravene local road rules. So what should motorists do in this situation?

Question in Service NSW test. Source: Service NSW
The question regarding double parking in Service NSW's Driver Knowledge Test. Source: Service NSW

Drivers unlearning bad habits

There is only one correct way to answer the question and that is: Option 1. Cars are not allowed to double parallel park at any time in a street.

This is because section eight in Rule 208 of the Australian Road Rules says that cars can’t parallel park in the street if they may obstruct other traffic in the road – regardless of the type of vehicle.

It means that if anyone wants to pull over in the street next to a car that is already parked next to the kerb, they will need to find another spot instead.

In some areas, where there are no markings on the road, a car may parallel park on the other side of the street as long as there is a 3m distance between vehicles on the other side of the road to allow traffic to pass by.

It’s a rule that has been taken on by all Australian states.

Cars parked on the street. Source: Getty Images
Drivers are not allowed to double parallel park at any time on Australian roads. Source: Getty Images

Be wary of parking fines

If any motorist thinks about ignoring the rules and parallel park in a place that may obstruct traffic, don’t be surprised to see police issue a fine if they are caught in the act.

The amount of the parking fine will vary from state to state, but offending drivers can relax knowing that they won’t be issued demerits points for breaking the law. Some of the leading penalties include:

NSW: In New South Wales, drivers found obstructing the road whilst parallel parking by police will be hit with a fine of $116.

VIC: Anyone caught by Victoria Police parallel parking in a street and obstructing traffic will find themselves getting slapped with a fine of $109.

QLD: Queenslanders that double parallel park on a street will be hit with a fine worth 0.75 of a penalty unit which is valued at $103.

SA: Should any driver in South Australia be found obstructing traffic while double-parked, they will be susceptible to a $166 fine from SA Police.

WA: If any driver is found obstructing traffic due to double parking, they will be issued a fine of one penalty unit – worth $50 – by police.

TAS: In Tasmania, any driver found to be obstructing traffic when parallel parking will be given a fine of $87 by Tasmania Police.

Ticket for illegal parking. Source: Getty Images
Drivers can be issued a parking fine of $116 breaking rule 208 in NSW. Source: Getty Images

ACT: Anyone in the ACT caught obstructing traffic due to double parallel parking could find themselves copping a $125 fine from the local authorities.

The range of fines available for police forces to issue to any drivers found guilty of breaking these parking rules, acts as an effective deterrent to getting drivers to stop these inconsiderate acts.

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