12yo arrested over knife robbery for vapes

Police arrested the boy in the suburb of St Clair. Picture: NewsWire / Monique Harmer

A 12-year-old boy has been arrested for his alleged involvement in a series of armed robberies in Sydney’s west.

The boy was arrested after the incidents on Sunday night.

He was refused bail and expected in the Parramatta Children’s Court on Monday.

The first alleged incident happened at a tobacconist on Melville Road, St Clair. About 8.45pm the boy allegedly demanded money and vapes before threatening the attendant with a knife, police said.

Home Invasion
Police say employees at both stores were not physically injured. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard

He obtained vapes and an energy drink, and the employee was not physically injured, police say.

About 10pm police alleged the same boy went into a service station on Banks Drive, St Clair.

The boy will face charges in the Parramatta Children’s Court on Monday. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard

In the service station police say the boy threatened the attendant with a knife while demanding cash and cigarettes.

The employee was not physically injured and the boy did not get any items.

Police later arrested the 12-year-old near Alpine Circuit, St Clair.

He was taken to Penrith Police Station and charged with robbery armed with an offensive weapon and demanding property with menaces with intent to steal.