Aussie renter captures 'crazy' scene after filming crack in ceiling

An Aussie woman has filmed the dramatic moment the ceiling collapsed in her first rental home.

Small business owner Cassidy Dixon, 27, was filming the crack in the lounge room ceiling on Thursday to show her real estate agent, when the ceiling came crashing down.

"Came home to find the crack where the fan was and 10 minutes later (there were) cracking noises, so decided to film to show the real estate," she said on TikTok.

"Didn't think the whole ceiling was coming down though."

One image of a ceiling in a WA home collapsing and a second image of the damage after.
Small business owner Cassidy Dixon, who lives in Perth, posted a TikTok of her ceiling collapsing in her first rental home. Source: TikTok / noneofyourbeeswaxnt

The Perth local told Yahoo News Australia that she "only had one minute to get out of the room" and "put (her) dogs outside".

When filming from the kitchen, the cracking noises got louder and then everything collapsed at once.

"I jumped back in shock and missed filming the best bit," she said.

Ms Dixon who lives with her partner Cameron was home alone when it happened.

"I was home alone at the time so couldn't move anything out of the area by myself quickly," she said.

"I had contemplated going in to move the TV but as I did the cracking noise got worse all through the roof and I didn't want to risk it."

The TV miraculously survived.

"Where the ceiling split was right where the TV was and when it fell down it grazed the TV and pushed it into the wall. Maybe be a few scratches on it, but still turns on for now," Ms Dixon confirmed.

As did the brand new couch.

"I had covered the lounge with sheets for the dogs so that helped with the clean-up slightly," she said.

People react in the comments

TikTok users couldn't believe their eyes, with more than 2.2 million people watching the video posted to her account 'None of your Beeswax NT'.

"I'm sorry this happened to your home," one person said.

"Holy moley Cass, that's crazy," another wrote.

Ms Dixon confirmed in the comments that she was unharmed and "spent all (day) cleaning when (she) should be working".

"Thankfully a team is here cleaning the mess up so it's a little safer," she added on TikTok.

Many questioned how something like this would happen, with one person asking if her house was being roofed.

"Nope, no rain either so not sure what happened," she replied. First ever rental too, fun."

A photo of Cassidy Dixon with her dog and another photo with her and her partner, Cameron.
If the home is proved to be unliveable, Cassidy Dixon, her partner Cameron and their two dogs will have to move again. Source: Supplied

She told Yahoo News Australia that she hasn't yet heard from anyone about the cause, however she said the house is old.

After the mess was cleaned up, the dilapidated ceiling in the lounge room has temporarily been covered.

"There is now thick, black tarp stapled up to stop more debris/dust coming down," Ms Dixon said, which she also posted a video update of on TikTok.

"They ran out of tarp right at the end or just decided to miss an edge and more stuff keeps falling out," she added in the comments.

Couple hope they don't have to move

Having only started renting the house in late August, Ms Dixon and her partner Cameron are hoping the issue will be fixed and they won't have to move again.

"It's very hard to find somewhere else to go when you've got dogs and with rentals (just) being hard to get lately," she told Yahoo news Australia.

"I'm not sure about the dust floating around in the air from the insulation in the roof, but we haven't been told to leave the house."

"We have asked the real estate to get someone out to inspect the rest of the property as we are worried it could happen in other parts but visibly every other ceiling looks okay for now.

"We are happy here as long as it's safe, but we can't use the lounge room until it's all fixed."

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