'Very lucky': Man's amazing find in dryer lint trap

A laundromat employee's post about the remarkable and potentially sentimental item he found in a dryer's lint trap has gone viral.

Sharing a photo of his discovery on Facebook, the staffer said at first he thought it was a cheap ring from a vending machine, but eventually something engraved into the inside of the band caught his attention.

"Inside it says 14K," he wrote in the post to a group which shares mysterious discoveries on the social media platform.

Most people took the marking on the ring to mean that it was a 14 carat gold ring.

More than 1000 people responded to the post, with many saying the ring must be valuable to someone and looked a lot like a wedding band.


"I bet someone is missing that," one woman wrote.

"Very, very lucky," another person commented.

Another person in the comments suggested the staffer should keep the ring in a safe place, to ensure the right person claims it.

A man shared a photo of the wedding band he found in a dryer's lint trap.
A 14 carat gold ring was found in a dryer's lint trap at a landromat. Source: Facebook

Another person in the comments piped up to say they used to work in their brother's laundromat and suggested where you can find other missing treasure.

"The really good stuff is found in the bulkheads between washing machines," they said.

Debate rages on why the ring was taken off

The post prompted a lot of people to debate whether it was a wedding ring that someone had removed intentionally or one that fell off a person's finger by accident.

Many pointed out that the type of wedding ring seemed to resemble the kind often worn by men.

Others implied that men often remove their rings in order to cheat on their wives, saying that the man who owned the ring would get in to trouble when his missing ring was found.


One person said they had never heard of a woman "give an excuse or reason" as to why they would remove their ring, while men were much likely to do so.

Many people then offered a range of excuses and reasons for why both men and women would remove their rings.

A few said they removed their rings when doing recreational activities, like golfing and sailing, others said they opted to take their rings off for work, while others were required to do so by their workplaces.

Many said they removed their rings when they were getting their hands wet — especially when jumping in the shower, while a few mentioned they do so when doing chores around the house.


One man offered a horrifying reason as to why he removes his ring.

"I have been married for nine years and 11 months and wore a ring for three weeks," he explained.

"Almost ripped my finger off on a bolt going down stairs. I work with high voltage - it's just not worth it."

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