Ten-year-old girl is 'world's youngest breast cancer survivor'

A 10-year-old girl in the US is believed to be the world’s youngest breast cancer survivor.

Chrissy Turner, from Centerville, Utah, was just eight-years-old when she found a lump on the right side of her chest in October 2015.

An ultrasound confirmed that she had a rare form of breast cancer called secretory breast carcinoma, which affects just one in a million people.

Chrissy Turner, was just eight years old when she found a lump on the right side of her chest. Photos: Chrissy's Alliance/Facebook
Chrissy Turner, was just eight years old when she found a lump on the right side of her chest. Photos: Chrissy's Alliance/Facebook
Chrissy's parents are both cancer survivors. Photo: Chrissy's Alliance/Facebook
Chrissy's parents are both cancer survivors. Photo: Chrissy's Alliance/Facebook

Chrissy had a mastectomy in December 2015 to prevent the cancer from spreading. After the operation, doctors were able to confirm that the cancer was isolated to the lymph nodes and hadn’t spread.

The 10-year-old, who has a 17-year-old sister, Brianna, now has a a breast scan every three months and will have reconstructive surgery on her right breast at around the age of 16.

Chrissy’s parents, Annette and Troy, are both cancer survivors; Annette survived cancer of the cervix, while Troy was disagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2008, when Chrissy was a small baby.

The 10-year-old has had a mastectomy which has prevented the cancer from spreading. Photos: Chrissy's Alliance/Facebook
The 10-year-old has had a mastectomy which has prevented the cancer from spreading. Photos: Chrissy's Alliance/Facebook

Annette, a life coach and holistic trainer, told People: “She knows that when something like this happens to you, you can either take it lying down or you can grow from it, spiritually and emotionally".

"She’s chosen to grow from it. This entire experience has brought our family closer together.”