11 Famous People Who Requested Verrrrrrry Unusual, Weird, Or Surprising Burials

1.Tupac Shakur — His ashes were smoked by members of his old group, Outlawz.

Tupac wearing a blue bandana wrapped around his head

For a long time, it was just a rumor that members of Outlawz smoked Tupac's ashes after his funeral. However, in 2011, the story was confirmed.

members of outlawz at a sirius xm event
Robin Marchant / Getty Images

According to the Huffington Post, members of Outlawz confirmed to VLADTV, saying, "Yes, it's definitely true... Had a little memorial for him with his mom and his family. We had hit the beach, threw [in] a lot of shit he liked at the beach. Some weed, some chicken wings, he loved orange soda... Pac loved that kind of shit, so we were giving him our own farewell. If you listen to 'Black Jesus,' he said, 'Last wishes, n****s smoke my ashes.' That was a request that he had. Now, how serious he was about it? We took it serious."

members of outlawz posing for photos on a red carpet
Frank Mullen / WireImage

2.Hunter S. Thompson — Had his ashes "blasted out of a cannon."

Hunter smoking a cigarette wearing a cowboy hat

Allegedly, Thompson's friend, actor Johnny Depp (who starred in an adaption of Thompson's novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) spent $3 million to arrange this strange request.

Hunter S. Thompson with his arm around Johnny Depp and a drink in his hand
Rose Hartman / Getty Images

According to the Independent, a lawsuit from Depp's former managers explained, "Thompson’s ashes were fired from a cannon that was placed atop a 153-foot (47m) tower shaped like a double-thumbed fist clutching a peyote button. The funeral was attended by Senator John Kerry, Jack Nicholson, John Cusack, Bill Murray, Benicio del Toro, Sean Penn, Josh Hartnett, Ralph Steadman, and more."

Benicio Del Toro, Hunter S. Thompson and Johnny Depp smiling at a movie premiere
Ron Galella / Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

3.Fred Baur, inventor of Pringles — Wanted to be buried in a Pringles can.

Pringles Originals cans

Baur created the design for the famous, tubular Pringles can in 1966 and was so proud of this fact that he wanted to make it a part of his last wishes, so some of his ashes were buried in one.

Pringles coming out of a can
Andreas Häuslbetz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

According to Time, Baur's oldest son, "Larry and his siblings stopped at Walgreen's for a burial can of Pringles on their way to the funeral home. 'My siblings and I briefly debated what flavor to use,' Baur says, 'but I said, "Look, we need to use the original."'"

Pringles in a grocery store
Stephen Shaver / AFP via Getty Images

4.Carrie Fisher — Buried in a Prozac-shaped urn.

Closeup of Carrie Fisher

Fisher died on Dec. 27, 2016, from a heart attack.

Jason Laveris / FilmMagic

According to BBC News, "Following the joint funeral service [For Carrie and her mother, Debbie Reynolds] at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, Todd Fisher said the giant pill in the shape of the anti-depressant drug was chosen as the urn for his sister's ashes because it was one of Carrie's 'favorite possessions.'"

Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher's tomb which has a statue of a mother and daughter embracing
David Mcnew / AFP via Getty Images

"She loved it, and it was in her house, and Billie [Lourd] and I felt it was where she would want to be," he continued.

Todd Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher, and Billie Lourd
Jason Laveris / FilmMagic

5.Bruce Lee — Footage of his actual funeral, including images of his corpse in his casket, were used for his last film.

Bruce lee shirtless in a fighting stsance

Before his death, Lee had started work on a film called Game of Death, but briefly left to work on his first Hollywood-produced film, Enter the Dragon (which would also become his only Hollywood film). Lee died not long after his return to Game of Death and, according to Screen Rant, "The project was abandoned...but a few years later, Golden Harvest made the decision to release the movie anyway," even though Lee had only shot about 40 minutes of footage. In order to work around this fact, the film's story was reworked, actors posed as stand-ins for Lee, and recycled footage from some of Lee's previous films was used.

Bruce lee in the air about to kick kareem abdul jabbar, who co stars in the film
Sunset Boulevard / Corbis via Getty Images

The article continued, "In what became a highly criticized move, Game of Death also incorporated footage from Lee’s actual funeral, which is used in a scene where the main character faked his death. Lee’s face in the casket could be seen in one of the shots."

bruce lee in a fighting stance wearing his iconic yellow with black stripe outfit from game of death
Sunset Boulevard / Corbis via Getty Images

You can actually see the Game of Death funeral scene with Lee's face in the casket here:

6.Luke Perry — The 90210 and Riverdale star requested that he be laid to rest in an eco-friendly mushroom burial suit.

Closeup of Luke Perry

After his death, his daughter Sophie Perry shared this interesting photo and touching story:

Her caption read: "In December, I went to San Francisco with two of my best friends. One of them had never been to California, so we went to show him the Redwoods. I took this picture while we were there, because I thought, damn, those mushrooms are beautiful. Now, mushrooms hold an entirely new meaning for me. Any explanation I give will not do justice to the genius that is the mushroom burial suit, but it is essentially an eco-friendly burial option via mushrooms. All I can say is that you should all look into them at coeio.com or just by googling 'mushroom burial suit.' My dad discovered it, and was more excited by this than I have ever seen him. He was buried in this suit, one of his final wishes. They are truly a beautiful thing for this beautiful planet, and I want to share it with all of you."

Luke Perry with son Jack and daughter Sophie during "Garfield: The Movie" World Premiere
Lee Celano / WireImage

7.Arch West, Inventor of Doritos — Buried with his beloved Doritos.

Bags of Doritos

Although West's remains were cremated, the urn was buried in a box at a local Dallas cemetery in a very unique way. As reported by Reuters, "The family requested that friends and relatives who attend the graveside service be allowed to toss Doritos around the box as a tribute" before they put the dirt over the urn.

Doritos falling out of a bag

West's daughter, Jana Hacker, said at the time, "He would think it is hilarious. The cemetery does not mind because they are biodegradable."

Dejan Jekic / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8.James Doohan — The Star Trek star had his ashes flown into space.

Closeup of James Doohan

Doohan's ashes were apparently smuggled onto the International Space Station by video game developer and entrepreneur Richard Garriott.

Richard Garriott gestures thumbs up after putting on a space suit
Afp / AFP via Getty Images

Garriott told the Sunday Times that he was contacted by the actor’s son Chris Doohan, who said it was his father’s wish to make it to the ISS. "Garriott agreed to the proposition and received Doohan’s ashes; however, due to time constraints, was forced to bypass the official process necessary to bring objects aboard the station."

A rocket mid-takeoff
Dmitry Kostyukov / AFP via Getty Images

"In what he says was a 'completely clandestine' mission, Garriott smuggled several laminated photos of Doohan — which contained some of his ashes — onboard the ISS. He proceeded to secretly hide one of the cards behind the cladding in the floor of the station’s Columbus module."

James Doohan as Chief Engineer Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott on the Star Trek: The Original Series
Cbs Photo Archive / CBS via Getty Images

9.Aretha Franklin — Had three outfit changes for her viewings and funeral.

franklin singing on stage in the 90s

According to Insider, Franklin's family adhered to her final wishes by making sure all of her burial requests were honored and that it be conducted with absolute precision. Franklin's niece, Sabrina Owens, said at the time, "We know that she would have wanted nothing but the best. She gave the best, she expected the best, and she would want her fans to have the best." And that included multiple outfit changes.

For the first public viewing, Frankly wore red as a nod to her honorary membership of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority.

Aretha Franklin wearing red in her casket
Pool / Getty Images

At the second viewing, Franklin wore a powder-blue dress with sparkling shoes.

Someone holding a card with Aretha Franklin on it
Scott Olson / Getty Images

And for the final viewing, she was dressed in a rose gold custom knit gown that had pink beaded lace.

Outside the church where Aretha Franklin's funeral services were held
Jeff Kowalsky / AFP via Getty Images

For the actual funeral, Franklin wore a sparkling full-length gold dress with sequined heels.

Pallbearers carry Aretha Franklin's casket after the funeral ceremony
Angela Weiss / AFP via Getty Images

10.Roald Dahl — Buried in a "sort of Viking funeral" with many beloved possessions, including chocolate.

Closeup of Roald Dahl

According to Dahl's granddaughter, the beloved author was given a "sort of Viking funeral" in the sense that Dahl was buried with several personal possessions. According to the Times, Dahl was buried with his snooker cues, some "very good burgundy," chocolates, HB pencils, and a power saw.

Roald Dahl's gravestone
Jim Dyson / Getty Images

11.Finally, Elizabeth Taylor — Requested that she be "fashionably late" to her own funeral.

Closeup of Elizabeth Taylor

Taylor's funeral (and resting place) was held at the Great Mausoleum in Glendale, California's famed Forest Lawn Cemetery.

people stand before Elizabeth Taylor's burial site at Forest Lawn's Great Mausoleum, which has a large angel statue
Medianews Group / MediaNews Group via Getty Images

According to Time Magazine, "In accordance with her last wishes, the funeral began 15 minutes after its announced start time. According to her publicist, Sally Morrison, Taylor left instructions and requested that someone announce those literally immortal words, 'She even wanted to be late for her own funeral.'"

Elizabeth Taylor in a fur coat sitting in the back of a car
Dennis Stone / Getty Images