Fishers ready for marron season

South West fishers are among more than 11,000 people licensed to catch marron during this year's fishing season, which starts at noon on Thursday.

According to the Department of Fisheries, licenses for marron fishing are up 600 on last year and more are expected before the opening.

Fishers are keen to get their hands on this SW delicacy, the marron. Picture: Haidee Vandenberghe

Principal management officer Graeme Baudains has warned officers will be on patrol from the start of the season and fishers need to follow size and bag limits.

Whiteys Tackle owner Ben White said the shop has plenty of crab scoops which were also used to catch marron.

"I think the best spot for marron fishing would definitely be Wellington Dam," Mr White said.

Getaway Outdoors salesman Jordan Mathews said the store was fully stocked ready for the recreational marron fishing season to begin.

"Usually the main rush is early January - people usually leave it to the last minute to stock up," Mr Mathews said.

The recreational marron fishing season finishes at noon on February 5.

Fishers can apply for a licence online at the Department of Fisheries website and find out more about marron fishing at .


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